Hump day!


We had a great day.  One group finished at their house and will be at a new job site tomorrow.  The other two groups will return to the same homes to continue the work they have been doing!  Everyone is tired, but having a good time.  Tonight the youth have been playing 9-square most of the night!

Group 1:

We went back to the same home today. Some of us added vinyl siding to the gable end of the home. The rest of us installed quarter round molding around the kitchen and dining area. This enhanced our ceiling work from Monday and Tuesday. We also spent fellowship time with the family and wished them many blessings! We are very proud of our hard work!!

Group 2:

Today we started off by measuring the ceiling and sheetrock so we could fit it correctly into place. Then we finished installing the sheetrock into the ceiling and drilling nails so that it was perfectly sturdy. Afterwards, we began to mud the sheetrock and the nails showing through the ceiling, as well as the cracks dividing the pieces of sheetrock. We then swept the floors and began cleaning up for tomorrow. It was one of the most productive days we’ve had so far this week! Mrs. Molly was super nice and talkative as always, and we felt so accomplished after making a huge mark in our project! 

Group 3:

Today we went back to the same house to work on finishing the porch, installing the last few pickets, sanding down the railings and replacing a few rotten old boards. Today works did not take very long it was more of a fishing touches day so we left the job site early. Since we were done early we took a group trip to the dollar general to get snacks. 

Evening program activity

Group chores

Hanging out in the sleeping area

Cleaning up after mudding drywall

Group 2's dry wall work

They did the triangle (gamble) section of siding

Nailing in quarter round

Cutting trim

All smiles!

Group three finished the railing at the end of the deck and on the stairs

The section of deck group 3 resurfaced

Trim nails!

She loved nailing the trim up

More rotted wood group 3 replaced

The triangle section is part of what group 3 worked on today

Group 3 finished the front.  Work a previous group started

More trim

Drilling pilot holes

Muddy but smiling

She got a bit of mud on herself!

Cutting out rotted wood

Working on siding

Someone needs a taller ladder

Cutting wood

Peek a boo

Taking out some boards that needed replaced

Proud of their railing

Master sander at work

Removing boards

Sheetrock crew!
